PT Ulima Nitra Tbk
Overview | Financials
Company Name | PT Ulima Nitra Tbk |
Symbol | UNIQ.JK |
Currency | IDR |
Price | 580 |
Market Cap | 1,820,608,400,000 |
Dividend Yield | 0.84% |
52-week-range | 236 - 790 |
Industry | Thermal Coal |
Sector | Energy |
CEO | Mr. Burhan Tjokro |
Website | https://www.ulimanitra.co.id |
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About PT Ulima Nitra Tbk
PT Ulima Nitra Tbk offers coal mining, truck and heavy equipment rental, construction, and other services. The company was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Palembang, Indonesia.
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